NA Committee recommends maintaining status quo of Taktse college

NA Committee recommends maintaining status quo of Taktse college

The National Assembly’s (NA) Social and Cultural Committee yesterday (December 6, 2024) presented its review report on the status of the College of Language and Cultural Studies (CLCS), Taktse. Following its review, it recommended that CLCS be retained as status quo (the college of Language and Cultural studies) with revised programmes and modules based on the importance of Dzongkha language and culture. The Committee noted that the college could also serve as a Dzongkha Language Research Center.

Other recommendations included starting regular Master’s Degree and Ph.D programmes in Dzongkha Language and Cultural Studies, improving coordination between the Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) and the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) and streamlining the programmes to avoid duplication, such as those between, CLCS, Royal Institute of Performing Arts, (RIPA) and Institute of Science and Mind (ISM).

The Committee’s Chairperson, Lhaba Lhaba said that CLCS is the only college that offers courses based on the Bhutanese Language and Cultural aspects of Bhutan. The objective of the institute is to educate future citizen in the Bhutanese National language and the nation’s unique culture, thereby, playing a very important role in the preservation and promotion of our culture which is inevitable for the national security of our small nation. He said, it is felt to be very crucial for the CLSC to be a secular. inclusive and welcoming public institution, free from any form of religious affiliation or patronage.

The college has stopped enrolling students since 2023. Currently, there are 248 students studying in the third and fourth year despite the college having capacity of more than l 000 students. Over Nu 1billion has been invested and the CLCS has one of the best infrastructures among the RUB colleges in the country. CLCS is the only college of National Language and Cultural Studies that serves the nation to preserve and promote the country’s national language and unique culture.

The report to the NA also said that the RUB has several repurposing options for the college such as Model Central Schools, premier STEM school, keeping it as it is with revised courses, school for Sarpang Dzongkhag students in case Gelephu MindfulnessCity (GMC) leads to closer of the current schools, and as a Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET).

Lhaba said that having had several consultation meetings with the relevant stakeholders, the Committee learned that the college has stopped enrolling students since 2023 and there is no clear future plans in place. While the college has well-furnished infrastructure with the capacity of over I 000 students for enrollment, the college has only 240 regular students and 8 students pursuing studies through distance education mode. He lamented that there is no immediate·future plan in place in case the RUB continues to go on with its plan to close the college with the current programmes.

It was underlined that the Committee’s recommendations are based on the importance of Dzongkha Language and culture for a country like Bhutan.

The Minister of Education and Skills Development, Yeezang D Thapa informed the house there are no plans to close the College, though the intake would be down sized.

The Minister said that the College will continue but would be repurposed in order to use the underutilized infrastructure. Emphasis was made on the need to place priority on job availability.

The Speaker of the NA directed the related stakeholders; MoESD, RUB, Home Ministry and the Government to take note of the recommendations for further  deliberation in the future.

Sangay Rabten from Thimphu