Estimated capital expenses for vehicles of Cabinet Members, Speaker, OL, Executives and Judiciary exceeds what would be incurred if lumpsum allocations are made to MPs
During the National Assembly (NA) post-session press conference on November 11th, 2024, the Members of House of Committees said that trimming just the share of Members of Parliament (MPs) at the whims and fancy of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) with mere notification contravenes with relevant acts. Concerns were made for expenses incurred, especially those on vehicles, Dakyen expenses, and others, which are provided for, based on a notification from the MoF. Members said there is no set regulation defining the amount members are entitled to upon taking office, and emphasized that the current allocations are excessive.
An analysis of the estimated expenses that is incurred for the vehicles only show that estimated cost for the purchase of designated vehicle for the Cabinet, Speaker, Opposition Leader (OL), Executives and Judiciary and annual recurrent expenses related to designated vehicle is about Nu 857 million (M). This means that the capital expenses are 24 times higher than the lumpsum allocation for the Member of Parliament (MPs). A sum of Nu 193.69M would be incurred as capital and recurrent cost if chauffeur driven designated vehicles are provided to MPs.
The estimated recurrent cost that is incurred for by the Cabinet, Speaker, OL, Executives and Judiciary and annual recurrent is 11 times more than the driver and fuel allowances given to MPs. The total estimated annual recurrent expenses is Nu 94.52M.
Even if a chauffeur driven car is allotted to MPs, the estimated cost would be Nu 194M which is 1/5th of the cost incurred on the provision of designated chauffeur driven vehicles to Cabinet, Speaker, OL, Executives and the Judiciary.
The total estimated lumpsum capital cost is Nu 35M with Nu 1M lumpsum cost per MP. The total estimated annual recurrent cost is Nu 8.40M with Nu 4.20M as annual fuel maintenance and Nu 4.20M for annual driver allowance.
The estimated capital and recurrent cost to be incurred for chauffeur driven designated vehicle for 35 vehicles is Nu 175M. If designated vehicle for MPS is allocated totaling to Nu 5.25M, fuel and maintenance allowance per year could be Nu 150,000. Estimated driver’s salary per year could be Nu 3,84,000 amounting to Nu 13.44M.
The total estimated capital expenses for designated car for 109 Executives is Nu 545M and Nu 58.21M as an annual recurrent expense, with Nu 41.86M as driver’s salary per year and Nu 16.35M for fuel and maintenance cost per year.
The total estimated capital expenses for 56 Judiciary posts comes to Nu 252M and the total annual recurrent expenses is Nu 29.90M with Nu 21.50M for drivers salary per year and Nu 8.40M for fuel and maintenance per year.
The total estimated capital expenses for nine Cabinet Ministers are Nu 45M and the total annual recurrent expenses is Nu 4.81M with Nu 1.35M for fuel and maintenance cost per year and Nu 3.46M for drivers’ salary in a year.
The total estimated capital expenses for Prime Minister, Speaker and OL is Nu 5M and the total annual recurrent expenses is Nu 0.53M with Nu 0.38M as drivers’ salary in a year and Nu 0.15M for fuel and maintenance in a year.
Lumpsum allocation to MPs for procurement of vehicles is Nu 1M per term.
Additionally, as per the MoF’s notification, the PM is entitled to Nu 1.2M as Dakyen/joining expenses. The Cabinet Ministers and equivalent post holders (OL, Speaker) are entitled to Nu 0.6M. Cabinet Secretary, Heads of Constitutional Bodies, Attorney General, Government Secretaries, Justices of Supreme and High Courts, Chairperson of the Privy Council, Vice Chancellor of the RUB and President of KGUMSB are entitled to Nu 0.15M.
Commission Secretaries, National Assembly and National Council Secretary Generals, Commissioners, President of the NMS, Director Generals, Dzongdags, Thrompons, Executive Secretaries, Directors, Registrar Generals of Supreme and High Courts, Drangpons and Dean of the JSWSL are entitled to Nu 0.1M.
Sangay Rabten from Thimphu